extends ../layout.pug block title |Icy Network - Log In block body .container.mb-4.mt-4 h1 Log in .row .col-sm-8 if message.text if message.error .alert.alert-danger span #{message.text} else .alert.alert-success span #{message.text} form#loginForm(method="POST", action="") input(type="hidden", name="csrf", value=csrf) .form-group label(for="username") Username or Email Address input.form-control(type="text", name="username", id="username") .form-group label(for="password") Password input.form-control(type="password", name="password", id="password") button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Log in a(href="/register") Create an account | ยท a(href="/login/reset") Forgot password? if auth aside.col-sm-4 if !registrations .alert.alert-warning These links can only be used to log in to existing accounts. include ../includes/external.pug